
Mutant chronicles luna obsidian portal
Mutant chronicles luna obsidian portal

The Journal of Etsuriko Chi’ason Toraneko Monk, planewalker, and coowner of Stray Manor A native of The Rock of Bral’s Shou Town district, sensei of the Song Ming Monastery, and part-owner of Stray Manor in Sigil. The names are synonymous because the City covers much of the moon. The Journal of Lenatta, Priestess of Celestian – Raised by a primitive religious cult in God’s Marbles, Spiralspace, this aasimar priestess has been drifting more and more from her lawful roots since becoming part of The Spelljoined. Luna is Earths moon and the home of the City of Luna. The Journal of Kenari Sanura, The Claw of Bast – The Journals of a catfolk gatecrasher raised as a temple dancer in Mulhorrand, on Toril. Mutant Chronicles In the late 21st century a growing madness of plagues, wars, terrorism and environmental collapse led to the rushed terraforming of the colonies by the major corporations, an exodus from Earth and the final cataclysmic nuclear war. Now she is the Captain of a haunted hammership. The Journal of Vedis Valentine, The Psychic Tavern Wench and Captain of The Nomad – The dreamborn maenad started as a tavern wench at the Rock of Bral’s infamous Laughing Beholder. , ore 13:46 Dal 19 al 21 maggio si terrà in quel di Bologna Svilupparty, evento videoludico nato per celebrare e valorizzare gli sviluppatori indipendenti italiani. It is a mountainous and desert region with scattered oases & shrubs that are usually controlled by one of the Khur tribes there. Mutant Chronicles was developed by the Swedish company Target. Khur Add tags Khur Khur is a Human nomadic nation that is located southeast of Taman Busuk, northeast of Blöde, west of the Ogrelands, north of Silvanesti, and east of Thoradin. Their brigand alliance swiftly evolved into an unstoppable machine bent on ravaging everything within their reach.

mutant chronicles luna obsidian portal

It has spawned a franchise of collectible card games, miniature wargames, video games, novels, comic books, and a film of the same title based on the game world. At about this time a large number of outlaw clans united beneath the banner of the mutant chieftans known as The Hydra, a terrifying trio that legend says consisted of the twisted and tainted brothers Ziggy, Creed, and Rhadamantys.


Now their entire way of life shifts in precarious balance between the Code of Honor and the truth of what the world has become. The Chronicles of The Spelljoined Compiled by Loki, here is an incomplete collection of narratives from the earlier part of the campaign. Mutant Chronicles is a pen-and-paper role-playing game set in a post-apocalyptic world, originally published in 1993. This historic organization was founded in 1775 PC, by a human named Vinas Solamnus, a noble warrior visited by the gods Paladine, Kiri-Jolith, and Habbakuk, the patron gods of the Knighthood.

mutant chronicles luna obsidian portal mutant chronicles luna obsidian portal

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Mutant chronicles luna obsidian portal