
Lrfoc2606s manual
Lrfoc2606s manual

lrfoc2606s manual


Drivers cannot dismantle or make house alterations when removing your old appliance. Drivers will be as careful as possible, but we cannot be responsible for damage to the old unit or property when moving. Drivers will move old appliances as specified, on a one-to-one basis, to the side of your home or basement providing the appliance is disconnected from existing water, gas and/or power, and is empty and ready to be moved. Move: Your sales invoice must specify that moving of old appliances or haul-away services have been pre-arranged. Currently, we are not able to haul away old furniture. Haul-away is currently available on Appliances and Mattresses. All items must be empty and ready to be removed. The old item will be removed from the home. Haul Away: Please make sure all items are disconnected before pickup. We can recommend a sub-contractor to provide installation. Dishwashers, ovens, cooktops, range hoods, ice makers and other built-in appliances are delivered to your home and left in cartons. If applicable, the appliance will be installed. Home Delivery and Installation Includes: All appliances are unpacked and set in place. Home Delivery Includes: All appliances are unpacked and set in place. Please provide clear access for your product being delivered. Free home delivery is available within our service area in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana via mail in rebate.

Lrfoc2606s manual